Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Good Day... Sunshine"

This past Saturday, Jason, Kellen and I packed up and headed
down to the Browns Point Lighthouse.  We were able to enjoy the
very sunny day we were so fortunate to get after these loooong winter days!
Us "Washingtonians" seem to fall into this "Winter Depression"
and I'm happy whenever we get that first 24hr sign that Summer is just around the corner!
Sitting out by the Sound, in the sun,
I had a relaxing time watching the water roll in and out, the boats come and go,
 people skipping rocks, walking dogs, my husband fishing
and my son laying on the blanket beside me.  It was the first
family outing we actually had outside in the sunshine and I loved it!
I loved spending time with my family.

Kellen Sunbathing....
{look out Baywatch}

The pictures below show just a few beautiful
memories from that day.
Can't wait to do it again soon.
You can see Stadium in the distance.
Beautiful view.

Jason's fishing post.

The only thing Jason caught that day.
{exept my attention, I loooove my fisherman}

This boat was huge by the way!

Mommy & Son

Kellen bundled up on Daddy after the long day.
We stopped by Uncle Ashley & Cocia Erin's house where
we wrapped up a great day.

Baby's 1st Easter

Happy Easter 2011!

Kellen's 1st Easter!
This year we traveled down to Napavine where we
were glad to spend it with the Thompson side of the family.
Great Grandpa & Grandma Thompson along with the help
from others put on a beautiful dinner.
We had great food, great company and a great time!

A picture of the very full yet happy group.

Kellen in his precious Easter Outfit.
You looked so handsome son, and that
smile we love so much to see tells us you had a fun time too!

Some of the moments captured on camera.

We hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend,
sharing it with family & friends.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Post Partum Meltdown #1

My mental breakdown started a little like this....
I wanted to go to the mall to
1. get a refill of my MAC Studio Fix
 2. An Easter dress for church
3. a pair of jeans that fit (that are not maternity jeans). 
Jason, Kellen and I
set out on our way to the Tacoma Mall and hit every store in there.  It was all either nothing I liked
or all the dresses were strapless and/or sleeveless, or just nothing was fitting.  But it wasn't until I hit
the last store, grabbed a few pairs of jeans (in sizes I'm not gonna say) and still, you got it, they didn't fit.
I undressed so quickly, put my hands over my face and sobbed by myself, quietly so
the gals in the next rooms couldn't hear me, then grabbed my things and went out
to meet Jason, who quickly wrapped his arms around me, with Kellen in the Baby Bjorn on his chest and just let me cry it out in the middle of store with everyone watching.
(pretty comical if you picture it) 
I never want to say I'm fat, 'cause that's not the case or how I feel.  It's the feeling after pregnancy of panic when you have an event or two coming up and you have to find something that fits and/or makes you feel good. 
I have neither.
So I'm in the awkward stage of the
"3 months post-partum and I need to do something with my look and quick" stage!!  So what!  We'll get thru this and I have a loving husband that makes me feel gorgeous and helps me realize that I can and will.

I did on the other hand get a new bra from Victoria's Secret which I love,
with a GC given to me for one of my showers, so the shopping
trip wasn't that bad after all.

I also went thru Erin's blog today and found this picture. 
This will be my motivation!
And yes, this exact picture.....

My family by my side,
on the 4th of July,
 in that exact same top,
and in the exact pair of jeans,
 with an ice cold Stella in my hand!!

Cheers my friends!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

3 Months

Kellen Dean is 3 months!

He genuinely laughed for the first time & it melted mine & Jason's hearts.
He loves his hands, especially for sucking.
He coos & gurgles more and more now.
He has pretty good focus when looking at things.
He can reach out and touch the object he is trying to so hard to focus on.
He still loves sleeping in between Mommy & Daddy
(although it's not as much as it has been).
He can definately tell when Mommy & Daddy are with him by showing us
the big smile when he hears our voices or sees our faces!
He loves to listen & watch as we read him bedtime stories.
We love you so much Kellen.  You continue to amaze me and Daddy.
You are making us more proud of you each day.

Love you baby boy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Knees & Toes, Knees & Toes"

8 hours at the VA hospital
7 cups of coffee while waiting
6 floors Kellen & I roamed while waiting
5 toes I just had to decorate after
4 cuts to the knee
3 prescriptions later
2 very tired parents
1 fixed knee!
Jason had a few tears in his miniscus and a complete tear to his ACL.
It's been a struggle with me back at work, Jason on crutches & back at school, a newborn we
have to tote back and forth to Cocia Erin & Uncle Ashley's house, but
none-the-less, we are making it.  And Jason is feeling better and better as the days
go by. 
Thanks for all the "get well" wishes!!