Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bath Time

Kellen LOVES bath time!!
Whenever he hears us drawing his bath,
no matter where he is at in our place,
he'll come crawling towards the bathroom at lightning speed.
He loves to grab his washcloth and suck the water from it or spin it around in the water.
 "Splish Splash" is one of his favs we sing for his bath time pleasure
 & sure enought, with his hands, he splashes away in the water.
He also loves to lean forward to suck up the water from the tub.
He sometimes get a little too much in his mouth
but he just laughs at himself & carries about in his 3inch Water Wonderland.
When it's time to drain, he loves to watch the water twirl around the drain & tries to
grab it with his fingers.
Grandma Thompson got him his little frog robe
so he gets to hang out in that for a while before diaper & PJ's.
Bath time is for sure one of our favorites!


Michelle said...

Kellen is just adorable! I can't believe how big he's getting!

Erin Leigh said...

seriously?!?!? these are the CUTEST pics EVER!!!! i love him and yuns!

Dziadzia said...

Wow... that Kellen sure is handsome... just like his Dziadzia! Love you guys!