Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thank Heaven For Little Boys

January 5, 2011
I woke up at 3am with contractions. I stayed in bed for most of it, Jason got a heating pad for my back which seemed to help for most of the time.  When the constractions got a little worse, I got up and walked our room.  Since this was our DUE DATE, we had our 40wk appointment.  It was set for 8am.  I paged Dr Venuto at 7:30am to explain my symptoms and to see if she still wanted me to come in. We eventually went in to find out I was 4cm dilated and 90% effaced and was no doubt in labor.  Contractions were 2-5 mins apart but they were getting more intense so I told Jason we should make our way to the hospital {which was right across street}
I was checked in and admitted at about 9:30am.
I did not want an epidural but as the pain got a little worse very fast, I asked what other meds they offered.  She went through the list and I agreed to Nubane, an IV drug, even though it made NO difference to labor what-so-ever. 
A very short hour or so later I gave birth to a healthy 7lb 6oz 20in baby boy...

I hear 3% of women give birth to their baby on their due date...I gave birth to Kellen on his, and my mom told me I was born on mine....What a rare & special thing to share with my baby boy!


I will NEVER have a more beautiful picture taken of me!

Me just starting to feel the Nubane!

7lbs 6oz & 20inch

Caitlyn holding her new cousin for the first time.

This moment meant the world to me. This was dads
first time at the hospital to see a grandchild born.

Kellen's First Bath

Very Proud Parents

My OB doctor, Dr Venuto {who actually delivered Kellen}
 and her assistant Monica.  Thank you for all the guidance throughout my
very enjoyable pregnancy!

Jason snapped this picture while we were getting ready to pack up and leave.
I'm sure you can't tell but this was my nervous face.

Kellen's "Take Me Home" outfit

Me holding my son,
getting ready to be wheeled down
to take him home.
At this very moment, I was
 and many more feelings but at this moment, I knew that everything would be ok. 
Kellen has 2 parents
 that are going to love him so dearly
 and will do everything they can to give him a life of nothing but love & happy memories!!

1 comment:

Dad (ashley) said...

welcome little man, thanks for making me an uncle!